
Where can I see my grades in Brightspace? 

One of the features of Brightspace is viewing your grades. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to check your grades in Brightspace. 

Instructors can give grades in Brightspace. Grades can always be found in Osiris, some instructors will also publish the grades on Brightspace.   

Navigating to Grades

Click on ‘Grades’ in the navigation bar of the course for which you want to view a grade.

You will now be directed to the Grades page of the course. Here, you will see a table with all your assignments, tests, and other graded activities. 

The table displays the following information: On the left side of the table, the name of the assignment is displayed. For each assignment, the right side shows the number of points awarded and the percentage corresponding to that number of points. To view more details about a specific grade, you can often click on the name of the assignment or test. This opens a detailed screen with comprehensive feedback and possibly a rubric or an overview of your performance.

Problems Viewing Grades

If you cannot see your grades, there could be several reasons: 

  • The instructor has not yet entered or released the grades. 
  • There is a technical issue with the course page. 

In this case, try contacting the instructor or your university’s IT helpdesk for assistance. 

Tip: You can also print your grade report by clicking on ‘Print’.