
Quick Eval

Quick Eval shows which assignments from Brightspace, such as Assignments, Discussions and/or Quizzes still need to be evaluated. Assignments that need to be handed in and evaluated via different tools or plugins (e.g. Pitch2Peer and FeedbackFruits) are not included in Quick Eval. 

  1. Course Specific Quick Eval 
  2. Multi-course Quick Eval
Course Specific Quick Eval 

This is a list from one course containing all the work that still needs to be evaluated. First navigate to the course for which you want to evaluate students. Then navigate to ‘Course Management’ -> ‘Course Admin’ -> ‘Quick Eval’.

At Submissions you find an overview of all submitted works of the course. Under first name and last name you can see the names of the students if they are not anonymous. Underneath Activity name there will be the symbol showing what type of activity it is (Assignment, Discussion, Quiz) and the name of the activity. It is possible to filter for specific ‘Submissions’, ‘Activity Name’ and ‘Data’. 

 At Activities there will be information about specific activities from the course. There is a small overview of the status of all the submissions. It shows how many students have handed in the assignment, how many have already been evaluated, and how many have been published. By hovering your mouse over ‘Completed’, you can see ‘Evaluate all’, click here to start evaluating all submitted works of the assignment. Hover your mouse over ‘Evaluated’ and click on ‘Submission List’ to see a list of all submissions. Hover your mouse over ‘Published’ and click ‘More’ to get the option to ‘Publish All’.

 Multi-Course Quick Eval 

Multi-Course Quick Eval looks the same and has the same functions as Course Specific Quick Eval but shows an overview of all submissions from all your courses. 

 There are two ways to navigate to Multi-Course Quick Eval  

  1. Go from the Course Specific Quick Eval to the Multi-Course Quick Eval: click on the three dots in the topright and click on ‘Multi-Course Quick Eval’.
  2. Navigate to your Homepage by clicking on ‘Utrecht University’ in the top left and click on ‘Quick Eval’ in the Navbar.