How do I enrol in a Brightspace course?
Enrolling yourself via Osiris
Brightspace is linked to Osiris. This means that when you enrol in a course or exam in Osiris, you’ll automatically be registered for the corresponding course in Brightspace. So, to access a course in Brightspace, you must be registered in Osiris. If you enrolled in at least one study activity from a course, you will be automatically registered for that course in Brightspace.
You can only enrol in a course during the course enrolment periods, or if the course is not full yet, during late enrolment. Enrolment periods can be found here, but can vary for each faculty.
Enrolment via Osiris by your program
In some cases, your program will enrol you for certain courses, for example, the first few courses of your first year. This means that you cannot enrol yourself for these courses, but because your program did, you will be automatically registered for the corresponding Brightspace courses.
Do you have questions about this? You can contact the Faculty Student Desks for your program. You can find them here, when you go to your own faculty.
Enrolment without Osiris
In some exceptional cases, you will not be able to enrol in a course via Osiris. If this is the case, a teacher or your program will inform you of the proper steps to register for the course.
If you have not received additional information regarding enrolment, you will have to enrol via Osiris. If you are still unsure, please contact the Faculty Student Desks.