
How can I see which students are in which group?

This guide will help you see which students are in which groups. This can be helpful for teachers, instructors, and administrators who want to view or adjust group layouts.

Click on ‘Course Management’ in the navigation bar of a course. In the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Groups’.You are now in the Groups Overview. Here, you will see a list of all groups created in the course. Each group is displayed with a group name and the number of members. To see which students are in a specific group, click on the group name, for example, ‘Group 1’.After clicking on a group name, you will see an overview of the group details.

Click on ‘View Enrolment’ to see which students are assigned to this group. Here, you can view the name of each student.Click on ‘Enrol Users’ to add students to the group.If desired, you can also adjust group settings or create new groups. This can be done on the ‘Manage Groups’ page, which appears when you click on ‘Groups’ under ‘Course Management’ in the navigation bar.

Select the group category you want to modify by clicking on ‘View Categories’. In this example, ‘Assessment 1’ has been selected.Click on the arrow next to the group category name and select ‘Edit Category’ to make changes to the group category, or click on ‘Add Group’ to add an extra group to this category.