
Assessing assignments

To assess assignments, first go to Tools > Assignments in the upper yellow bar. Here you will see all the assignments. Next, click on the relevant assignment you want to grade and then look under Submissions. 

  1. On the left you will see the entries of the student and on the right, you can start grading.
  2. Put in a grade under Overall Grade. 
  3. Write general feedback in the bottom window if you wish. 
  4. Next, you can choose between Publish or Save Draft in the bottom right corner 
    1. Select Publish if you want the corresponding student to see their grade and feedback. 
    2. Select Save Draft if you want to publish the grades and feedback of all students at the same time. 
  5. With the arrows at the top you can navigate to the entries of other students and grade these as well. 
  6. When you have graded all entries of the corresponding assignment, you can click on Back to Submissions to return to the overview of all assignments. 

Lastly, you can check off all the boxes on the left and then click on Publish Feedback to release all grades and feedback to all students at the same time.