
How can I adjust Content Availability?

This article explains how to adjust content availability. With this, you can set the start and end dates for when a student has access to course content.

When you specify a start, end, or submission date for course content, it will appear in the Upcoming Events’ and Agenda’ in the Calendar Tool’ 

It is possible to automatically make course materials available from a specific date or for a period between two dates. To do this, go to the Course Admin’ page, click on Course Management’ in the navigation bar a then select Course Admin’. Then, under Site Resources, click on Manage Dates’. Choose the filter to show only Course Content. To do this, select Specific Tools’, then check Content and click on Apply Filter’. To change the availability of a single content item, click on the dropdown arrow and select Edit Dates’.
You can also adjust the availability of multiple content items at once using Bulk Edit Dates’. If you want to modify all content items, check the empty box at the top. If you only want to select specific content items, check the boxes on the left side of each content item. Select and fill in the data for your content. You have two options: 

  • Due Date’: This allows you to set a deadline. 
  • Availability’: This allows you to choose the date range during which the content will be visible. 

Click on Save’ to save the dates.