
How do I create a new category to manage my assignments? 

In Brightspace, you are able to create categories to put assignments into. This way, you can have different categories for group assignments, individual assignments, video assignments etcetera. This creates a clear layout of all the assignments of a course. 

Creating and adjusting categories 

To start, navigate to ‘Tools’ > ‘Assignments’ in the top yellow bar. Next, click on ‘Edit Categories’. Create a category by clicking on ‘Add Category’. In this pop-up window, you can give the category a name and then select ‘Create’. The category you just made will now be shown in a list. 

As you can see, here are three new categories for illustrative purposes. Click on the name of the category to edit its name. 

With ‘Sort Order’ you can change the order in which categories are shown by clicking on the number of the category. 

With ‘In Use’ you can see if the category includes assignments or not. As you can see, only example category 1 includes an assignment. 

If you want to delete a category, click on the box left to the category and then click on the garbage can icon. 

Adding assignments to categories 

To add assignments to categories, you first have to navigate to the Assignments screen again (refer back to the first steps of this manual). Here you can check off the assignments you want to add to a category. 

Next, click on ‘Bulk Edit’. On the next screen you can choose what category you want to add each assignment to by clicking on ‘No Category’. Lastly, click on ‘Save’ to save your choices and return to Assignments.