
How do I use Manage Dates?

Manage Dates gives the possibility to change dates, in a central spot. This is particularly useful when you have copied a course in a new year or semester. It makes sure you can adjust changes to the accessibility of the course content using time.  

Go in a course to ‘Course Management’ in the navbar and click on ‘Course Admin’, whereafter you click on ‘Manage Dates’.

You can change the start- and enddate of the course at ‘Course Duration’. Watch out: This only makes your course (in)visibile for students in Brightspace.  It is possible to filter ‘Specific Tools’ to gain a list with only specific tools, such as ‘Discussions’, where you can set up a date. Or use the ‘Advanced Filter Options’ to refine your search results.

Check a box to search for: 

Name (name), due Date (deadline), start date (start date), end date (end date), duration of the content (period of the content) or whether your course item is in the calendar (whether the course is in the calender) 

Click on ‘Apply Filter’ to apply the filter(s). By clicking the checkbox in the table you can change several dates in one. To change everything at once you click on the box above the table.  

Dates can be changed with ‘Bulk Edit Dates’ or ‘Bulk Offset Dates’. By changing several options from the list above, you can decide which data should be changed (‘Set’) or deleted (‘Removed’). 

You can edit ‘Due Dates’. Decide ‘Start Dates’ for when content should be made accessible. Decide an ‘End Date’ for when content is no longer available. Change ‘Data in Calendar’. Click on ‘Save’ to save your changes.